Monday, January 22, 2007

Famous Deaths - Infamous Litgation over Who gets What (and how much)

Category: Probate and Estate Administration

Courtesy of Juan Antunez, Esq. of Florida Probate Litigation Blog (with a thanks to Phil Bernstein, Esq. at the New York Probate Litigation Blog for mentioning the post on his blog):
An AP article entitled Family Feuds Follow Famous People After Death has fun rounding up all the latest celebrity probate cases in one nice package. I've written about some of the cases mentioned in the linked-to article (James Brown, Billy Graham), noted two celebrity cases not mentioned in the article (Jimmy Hendrix, Celia Cruz), and was amused to find bits of probate gossip I'd missed (Ted Williams, Peter Lawford, Marlon Brando, Ray Charles).


At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Florida Probate said...

I am Jude and I am a law student. I also wondered whenever some one is dead and one doesn't know about the will of the deceased one so how it is mentioned and taken decision by the court regarding the part of the property as this is the difficult to answer.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Probate Law said...

Great post! Been reading a lot about different probate law. Thanks for the info here!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just read your post about your account names and passwords dying with you when you die. I know I've thought about it before, but didn't think about putting all those accounts into a spreadsheet. I don't care as much about my Facebook and Twitter, but I think I should write down bank account and credit card account info.

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