Monday, January 29, 2007

Another Hidden Cost of Dying - The Surety Bond

Category: Estate Planning, Probate and Estate Administration

A spot-on examination of the requirement for a surety bond in an estate administration from Joel Schoenmeyer, Esq. at Death and Taxes Blog.

On the Subject of Surety Bonds: "Surety bonds are like an insurance policy for an estate and its beneficiaries. What are you insuring? That the executor or administrator isn't going to run off to Tahiti with the estate's assets."

I also use Tahiti as an example of where the nefarious fiduciaries are going with you money.

Surety bonds can be expensive and fall into the category of "things to be avoided". How to avoid the expense to your estate - create as will. As Joel points out in his posting: "The executor doesn't have to obtain one if the decedent's Will waives the surety bond requirement. If the Will DOESN'T contain such a waiver, or if the decedent died without a Will, the executor will have to make surety arrangements."

Also, if you have a Will, but don't have a named Executor or Successor Executor, you will also need a surety bond in NJ. This means that if your Will from 15 years ago names your spouse and then your father, who has since died, a codicil is in order at a minimum to name appropriate successor executors to avoid the bonding requirement.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

You Die - Your Passwords And User Names Die With You

Category: Estate Planning, Probate and Estate Administration

As part of every Estate Planning consultation these days, I ask not only "Where do you keep your assets" (ie: what institutions do you use for banks, brokerage accounts) but "How do you access your assets?" The point of the second question is to find out if the client takes advantage of electronic account access, and if so, who else shares access to those accounts.

I was reminded for the importance of this from the article: - When Passwords And User Names Die With The User: "Security experts warn us to keep our passwords and user names under lock and key. But what happens after a loved one dies? How do survivors get access to information and documents kept squirreled away in safe deposit boxes and hard drives for years?"

The questions is even more prevalent when there is no hard data. Many people don't receive paper account statements and only access bank and brokerage accounts online. Or there are direct deposit or direct withdrawals set up only online. In this case, an executor may not even know about the assets until a tax statement comes in January, or by running an escheated asset search (escheated assets are assets that are turned over to that state if the institution can't find the owner).

First, the motivation for taking the steps below is avoiding the alternative - going to court for an order to get access to the accounts (if your executor even knows where the accounts are).

The best way to address concerns raised by assets in the electronic age from an estate planning and estate administration perspective is to employ some practical advice:
  • Each spouse keeps a spreadsheet of Institution Name, Website, Account Number, User Name, Password
  • The spreadsheet is updated WHENEVER a change is made
  • Save the spreadsheet to a removable media format (CD, DVD-R, USB Flash-Drive, etc).
  • Save the removable media format in a safe location that your spouse, power of attorney, key adult child(ren) and attorney are aware of (safe deposit box, fireproof vault, drawer in the house where the important stuff is)
  • If you password protect the file, you need to make sure that your spouse, power of attorney, key adult child(ren) and attorney are aware of

If putting all this in a safe place and telling key people of it concerns you because the key people have access to your accounts, you need to rethink the key people.

MOST IMPORTANT - If you make any changes to the information on the spreadsheet, update the spreadsheet and put in back in the safe (but well communicated) location.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Famous Deaths - Infamous Litgation over Who gets What (and how much)

Category: Probate and Estate Administration

Courtesy of Juan Antunez, Esq. of Florida Probate Litigation Blog (with a thanks to Phil Bernstein, Esq. at the New York Probate Litigation Blog for mentioning the post on his blog):
An AP article entitled Family Feuds Follow Famous People After Death has fun rounding up all the latest celebrity probate cases in one nice package. I've written about some of the cases mentioned in the linked-to article (James Brown, Billy Graham), noted two celebrity cases not mentioned in the article (Jimmy Hendrix, Celia Cruz), and was amused to find bits of probate gossip I'd missed (Ted Williams, Peter Lawford, Marlon Brando, Ray Charles).

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Create a Will instead of a Role for "Probate Genealogists"

Category: Estate Planning, Probate and Estate Administration

I just came across this press releaseGrowing Role for Probate Genealogists and thought to myself, "What is a probate genealogist?" not having heard the term before. Looking into it more, it seems that "probate genealogist" encompasses "heir-search" companies that identify to heirs to an estate through their biological relationships.

In my practice, finding heirs has been an issue on several occasions - all of which had one thing in common - the person who died had assets and no Will. These people died intestate (without a Will), and the assets were distributed to relatives per the New Jersey intestacy statutes (otherwise known as "the Will the State of New Jersey created for you that you didn't know about").

I am surmising that needing to use a "probate genealogist" is an expensive process. It also implies that you have no idea who will be receiving an inheritance from you, because if they were known to you, they would probably know you were dead and could claim their rights without being "located" by a third party.

Taking the time to make a Will seems like such a simpler and more logical alternative. Some things to consider in this example:
  • If you don't make a Will, the State where you reside has one for you via its Intestacy Statues
  • The Intestacy Statutes may give you assets to people you either don't know (remote relatives) or don't like (close relatives)
  • You are not required to give your money to your relatives - you can leave it to a friend, church, charity, organization, or even your pet in many states.
  • You worked hard to create your assets - shouldn't you make the effort to direct where they go if you aren't here? I have never come a across a person who truly "didn't care" where there assets went after being asked a few questions.